We fight for clean air, clean water, healthy forests, democracy and voting rights, and environmental justice. We elevate voices long ignored: those of Tribal nations and of communities that bear the brunt of toxic pollution and climate chaos. Our non-partisan teams collaborate with local groups across Washington to promote civic engagement and to ensure that everyone has access to the ballot. We develop solutions that nurture healthy communities, healthy economies, and healthy ecosystems.

Our mission is to develop, advocate, and defend policies that ensure environmental progress and justice by centering and amplifying the voices of the most impacted communities.

Read our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan >>>


Washington Conservation Action Education Fund began as Washington Environmental Council nearly 60 years ago. We convene environmental groups and allies across the state to leverage progress for people and the environment. We advanced many of the laws and institutions that make Washington a national environmental leader. These include:

  • The state Department of Ecology
  • State Environmental Policy Act
  • Shoreline Management Act
  • Forest Practices Act
  • Clean Fuels Standard
  • Model Toxics Control Act, the state’s environmental cleanup law
  • Growth Management Act, a series of laws that guide planning in the state’s fastest growing cities and counties
  • HEAL Act, which makes environmental justice part of the mission of key state agencies
  • Climate Commitment Act, a carbon pricing law that requires polluters to pay for the damage they cause

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Washington Conservation Action Education Fund Board of Directors